Monday, January 2, 2012

On the topic of resolutions

Happy federal-holiday New Year's, readers.

Today at my paper Diane Hoffman, community engagement editor, blogged about keeping it real when making New Year's resolutions: By ensuring they're fun and taking them slow (read that blog here).

One of my New Year's "resolutions" is to read Gretchen Rubin's bestseller, "The Happiness Project." In fact, it's already on my nightstand (among others).

On her blog, Rubin has posted 6 questions to ask yourself when making New Year's resolutions.
I thought it apropos to post the link here.

"I’m more inclined to make resolutions than ever, in fact, because if my happiness project has convinced me of anything, it has convinced me that resolutions — made right — can make a huge difference in boosting happiness," Rubin writes in her blog.

Rubin is currently tidying up the details on her next book, "Happier at Home."

She is now accepting pledges for the 2012 Happiness Challenge.
Sign up by clicking here. I just did.

Do you have any reading resolutions for 2012?

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