I found out my behavior wasn't particularly problematic after reading "The Worrier's Guide to Overcoming Procrastination: Breaking Free from the Anxiety That Holds You Back" (January 2011, New Harbinger, $19.99, 159 pp.) by Pamela S. Wiegartz PhD and Kevin L. Gyorkoe PsyD, which recently came in the mail for me to review.
The authors say absolutely everyone procrastinates.
Their slim and easy-to-read book is a workbook complete with self-help exercises to help assuage the anxiety that Drs. Wiegart and Gyorkoe say leads to procrastination.
They want you to examine what's bothering you that lead to to your putting things off. Be it self-doubt, fear or failure ... or success, low self-confidence or perfectionism, or other reasons, the authors have some strategies for you.
There are fill-in-the-blanks exercises and task lists and bulleted review points to help you get going.
The book seems to be less for those who might casually put things off they don't feel like doing (such as my aversion to working out sometimes), but for people who are really stuck and need concrete steps to help them overcome an underlying fear.
I have a brand-new copy to give away. If you'd like the book, don't delay (hehe) just post a comment or send me an e-mail message at mkaras@pottsmerc.com. First request gets it.
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